Cupping Therapy. This is an ancient therapy used by many cultures for thousands of years. It was employed in the Western hospitals, as well as the East .
Cupping therapy involves introducing a flame into a glass, bamboo or a china cup, which will rid of oxygen and create a vacuum. This action is followed by the practitioner rapidly turning the cup on to the desired location. Depending on the energetic condition of the patient, the practitioner can then decide from ten different types of cupping methods, which will be the most suitable method for that patient. Bruising, up to fifteen days can appear following the treatment. However, not all cupping methods causes bruising, only some do. Children as well as adults can benefit from cupping therapy.
Cupping Therapy in the treatment of common disorders
Abdominal pain, Anaemia, Asthma, Atrophy sydrome, Back Pain and Sexual complaints, Bed-wetting, Boil-carbuncle, Cellulite, Chest pain, Common cold and influenza, Constipation, Cough, Dysmenorrhoea, Fevers, Hypertension, Infertility, Musculoskeletral pains (Bi syndrome), Skin complaints, Stroke, Stress related conditions, Depression, Tiredness, Broken veins and Sports injuries.
Benefits General
Effect upon the blood Improvement of circulatory Functions Regulating and betterment of automatic nervous system. Local Removal of Pain Relaxation of stiff muscles and tendons.
1) Effects upon the skin.
2) Effects upon muscles; blood vessels within the muscle is activated. Removes congested blood from muscles. Facilitates the flow of Lymph.
3) Effects upon Joints; improves the flow of Blood within the joints, the cavity and secretion of Synovial fluids.
4) Effects upon the digestive organs; improves the peristaltic movement and secretion of digestive fluids. Detoxification: The most dramatic effect is upon the skin and the circulatory system. The blood and the body-fluid flow in the arteries and veins increases, this results in the removal of toxins. Following few applications (3-5 sessions) skin will look healthier with more colour to it.
Effects on the Nervous system
Cupping therapy stimulates the sensory nerves of the skin. The stimulation of the spinal nerves and parasympathetic nerves and the sympathetic nerves beside it has a good influence on various organs under its control.